PACTOTop 200 SFC is a two-pack, solvent-free, epoxy resin coating. It is supplied in pre-measured quantities ready for mixing on site. The product, on curing, produces a smooth, tough, resistant coating. The product is supplied in two grades. The suffix S denoting standard and the suffix P denoting potable water grade.
PACTOTop 200 SFC may be used as a protective coating for concrete and mild steel. The coating, once cured, is resistant to common chemicals and abrasion. It is particularly suited for applications in water tanks, dairies, and food processing plant, abattoirs and grain soils.
- – Non-toxic
- – Solvent-free therefore may be used in confined areas
- – High build
- – No primer required on concrete or mild steel
- – Easily cleaned surface
- – Resistant to a wide range of chemicals
- – Corrosion and abrasion resistant