Our Systems
Cement Grinding Aids
Constructive & Robust Solutions To Cement Manufacturers
PAC Technologies has exclusively developed PACTOCem range unique and robust products to provide tailored product Solutions for the cement plants various requirements. Added value to cement production, considering all cement manufacturing Process aspects.
PAC Technologies dedicated R&D team continuously and action during production providing important application benefits in terms of flow compressive strength and consistency of finished product to meet various performance objectives of cement plants for continuous Process for cement mill, raw mill and coal mills. PACTOCem range of grinding aids and performance enhancers can save up to 50% of grinding cost.
PACTOCem Products
- Grinding aid and Pack Set reducer
- Quality and Strength enhancer
- Performance Enhancer
- Raw Mill Grinding Aid
- Grinding Aid for Masonry cement
- Grinding Aid for White Cement
- Grinding Aid for Slag grinding
- Chromium Reducers for Ordinary Portland Cement